jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009

Academy Awards

 Who has won the most Academy Awards for best actor?
Jack Nicholson is the actor who has won the most Academy Awards.

 Who has won the most Academy Awards for best actress?

The actress who has won the most Academy Awards is Katharine Hepburn.

 What is the all-time top moneymaking film?
Titanic, which is the all-time top moneymaking film, is a very romantic movie.

 What are the three most expensive movies ever made?
The three most expensive movies, which are Pirates of the Caribbean Dead man’s chest, Spiderman 3, and Cleopatra, are really nice movies.

 What male director has made the most films?
Steven Spielburg, who has made the most films, has a lot of movies that I don’t like.

miƩrcoles, 16 de septiembre de 2009

We're a Band

We're a band is a song that is really nice.
I really liked it since we were in 7th grade, because is not like other songs that talks about stuff, it is a song about God, who is a really important part in our lives...

This song also tell us that God died for us, but that he is coming back to life which is true because someday he will.
It is a beautiful song, and when we ear it in class...it make me feel good.

But the best is when we sing it in class with all my classmates, I will never forget those days, and I will always remember prom '09 because WE'RE A BAND! :)

lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2009

The Analects

The main principle of Confucianism is humaneness, signifying excellent character in accord with ritual norms, loyalty and piety. These together constitute the virtue. Confucianism is characterized by a highly optimistic view of human nature.

In The Analects, Confucius stresses the importance of living a moral life, he urges ordinary citizens to respect authority figures. He also teaches leaders that they must rule kindly and wisely to earn the respect and obedience of their people.

For me The Analects, has a deep reflection because it streesses the importance of living a moral life, which is really important nowadays.
Confucius was a philosopher that said that we should respect authority figures, and I think that this is very important in a society, because if we don’t have respect for the authority, nobody will and this is something that at the end will affect all of us.

Another thing that is important and that Confucius cares a lot, is the obedience and respect to the others, but to make this, the first thing we should do is respect ourselves.

I think that if in our society exists respect and obedience, we will have a better society, our leaders will act different and we will live in a peaceful and content nation.


Panchatantra is a fable that tells the story of a cruel lion named Numskull and a clever rabbit. The animals in the forest make a plan to stop the lion from killing them. When is the rabbit’s turn to go with the lion, he plans the king’s death.

This story has a big moral to life, because it taught us that we can do more things if we think more instead of acting just by instinct.
In life you have to be like the rabbit, to make the best decisions for your future and if you act like the lion you won’t achieve any goal and you will live without any friend.
So think wisely and make the best decisions for you.

The lessons of the reading are that you have to be humble and not selfish. You also have to show solidarity and you have to work with your group to achieve your team goals.

You can relate this fable to real life because in life you have to be like the rabbit to be a successful person.